What you are going to learn
This asbestos certification course covers the requirements for regulating asbestos exposure in the construction industry. The online training course content includes applicable regulations, risks, and key safety practices.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral used in products such as pipe insulation, floor tiles, and building materials. It is also found in vehicle brakes and clutches. Asbestos has been a popular construction material because it is low-cost, durable, and resistant to fire, heat, chemicals, and corrosion. For all of its benefits, however, asbestos handling poses numerous health hazards.
Workers exposed to asbestos are at a significant risk of serious health complications, such as lung cancer and mesothelioma, a deadly tumor of the lung or stomach. It is critical that workers receive safety training to understand asbestos exposure risks and how to prevent them.
Who This Course is For
This asbestos awareness training is designed for anyone who works in construction, especially in demolition or maintenance and repair roles. This asbestos certification online course may help prevent serious injury in the workplace and save lives.
This online certification course meets the requirements set forth by OSHA for asbestos safety training for construction personnel, including employees and site supervisors.